Tuesday, 25 June 2019

Having a go at dyeing

I have an elderly skirt which is starting to look past its best. 
I can either retire it, and eventually cut up the fabric and reuse it elsewhere, or I can try dyeing it in the hopes that it will become refreshed enough to keep on wearing as a skirt. 
Here is my adventure into doing just that:

Bye for now


Saturday, 8 June 2019

New stash, and my fibromyalgia is wobbling me so I make a list, and 2 new people on the healing list

Episode 14:

This is a mixed vlog, here are the show notes:

1:58 Why I craft, feeling wobbly, brain fog, and fibromyalgia

4.30 How I use a list to help me on days when fibro is active, and using a timer.

8.54 Crafting: sewing, knitting, and crochet, new project started.

18.00 Visiting a French fabric shop, and two fabric pieces choose me.

21.22 Visit to a French computer shop, and a young lady draws my attention. And the lonely man in the bar. Both to go into my Healing Book. Why I love this work.

I read all comments before I publish them so if you want to leave me a private message, or ask me a private question, then you can do so and I shall not publish it if you say you don’t want me to.
If you want me to get in touch with you, then leave me your email address, and I shall delete it once I have made a note of it.

Thank you for visiting, and hope to share time with you again soon.


Trust = a firm belief in the relationship, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.  (from internet, Oxford Languages) I find it...